Protecting Your Property from Burglars

December 4, 2017

It’s a shame that we have to be so wary of our homes being broken into. However, it’s always better to be safe than sorry! Keep reading to discover our best tips for avoiding a burglary.

Be cautious about locking up

Getting into the habit of locking all your doors and windows every time you leave the house (granted this is easier in winter than summer). You should also get into the habit of setting your alarm when you leave your property. This is especially important if you’re the last one to leave or you live alone. It takes 21 days to form a habit so if you keep it going for that long it’ll soon be second nature.

Glass panels are particularly at risk, so consider covering it in a film or changing to laminated glass which is harder to break. Hide your keys out of sight and away from the door. Remember, someone could use extended hooks to reach your keys if they’re a professional – even through a letterbox.

Get friendly with the next-doors

Build up a good rapport with your neighbours. These are the people who will be around if someone does try to break in when you’re out. Join the local Neighbourhood Watch community or perhaps make a deal with your neighbours to watch out for each other’s property! If there isn’t a Neighbourhood Watch scheme, you might consider starting one.

Remove access and temptation

If you’ve got gates that lead to the side of the property or the rear garden, make sure they always remain securely locked. Consider installing taller gates if they can be easily jumped over. Keep your fences maintained well to prevent any peeping eyes from figuring out how to break in. If you use tools in the garden a lot, make sure you lock them away in the shed or garage. This is especially important when you’re not actually using them. Tools and ladders can be easily utilised by a potential thief to gain access to your property. They can also be the object of desire so it’s best to keep them locked up!

Remove temptations for any potential burglars by never leaving valuable items in sight. If you own any expensive jewellery or tech products it’s best to keep these in a safe, especially while you are out of the house. At the very least, don’t keep them near a window where they can be easily spotted. Be extra wary of ‘distraction burglary’, especially if you live alone. Bogus cold callers often distract a homeowner by pretending to work for a repairs or services company. Always check the identity of a caller and if you’re not expecting anyone, don’t answer!

Quick tip: Do not trust anyone who says they are from ‘the Waterboard’, it no longer exists and is a common phrase used by bogus callers.

In the event of a holiday

When you do go out, leave on a radio or energy-saving light to trick people into thinking you’re home. You may do this already if you have a dog – another great way to deter robbers! You could set lights on a timer for when you are on holiday so that your house won’t be completely dark in the evenings. Ask a neighbour or family member to park their car on your drive so it looks like someone is in. Also, ask them to collect your post every few days to prevent a build-up.

Quick tip: Avoid discussing holiday plans on social media especially if your profile is public. Anyone can access this information and use it to their advantage!

If you really want to go the extra mile, you could install your own personal security cameras which link to a feed on your devices. This way, you can keep an eye on things even when you’re out the country – you can set up CCTV that streams to your mobile!

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